Las Vegas cchp
In 1977, LVCCHP was formed to encourage the preservation and appreciation of our area's historic resources for the benefit of the community. Over the years our membership has grown steadily and we have accomplished a great deal.
To preserve, protect and promote the historic, cultural, and architectural heritage of greater Las Vegas through education and advocacy, and to encourage economic development through restoration and rehabilitation.
Preserve and protect historic, cultural, architectural heritage:
Promote historic, cultural, architectural heritage:
To preserve, protect and promote the historic, cultural, and architectural heritage of greater Las Vegas through education and advocacy, and to encourage economic development through restoration and rehabilitation.
Preserve and protect historic, cultural, architectural heritage:
- Prepare CLG grants for restoration and City of Las Vegas DRB support
- Nominated 918 Las Vegas buildings for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places
- Helped the City of Las Vegas write an Historic Buildings Ordinance
- Helped the City of Las Vegas obtain Certified Local Government status so that it would receive funds for preservation
- Purchased and renovated the Winternitz Building, 116 Bridge Street
- Host the Annual Awards Dinner Acknowledging property owners for restoration, rehabilitation of homes and or Buildings.
Promote historic, cultural, architectural heritage:
- Conduct "Places with a Past Tour" historic home and building tour, "Garden Tour," "Holiday Home Tour", and supports “Heritage Week”
- Present "Glimpses of the Past" (in cooperation with Ft. Union) - a series of historic lectures
- Hosted State Conferences including the N.M. Historical Society, Annual conference, and the Descendants of Santa Fe Travelers conference
- Hosted the Martinez Family Commemoration, and the Baca Family Commemoration.
- Maintain an archive of old photographs and a library
- Develop and show exhibits
- Present seminars about preservation and economic development opportunities
- Host for Santa Fe Trail Interpretive Center
- Improved the Rheua Pearce Park between Valencia Street and the
Gallinas River. - Hosted, N.M. Historical Society, Annual conference.
- Hosted Descendant of Santa Fe Travelers conference.
- Hosted Martinez Family Commemoration, and Baca Family Commemoration
- Host Annual Awards Dinner acknowledging property owners for restoration, and rehabilitation of homes and or buildings.
- Provide resources to individuals seeking information on Families, Culture and Heritage.